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机器装配和停工的成本预算课件(PPT 82页)


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Dynamo Functions 應收帳款 Accounts receivable
Dynamo Functions 銷貨金額 Dollar value of sales
Dynamo Functions Collections
Dynamo Functions 現金 Cash
Dynamo Functions 淨現金流量 Net cash flow
Dynamo Functions 淨現金流量 Net cash flow (CI)
Dynamo Functions 淨現金流量 Net cash flow (CO)
Dynamo Functions 存貨金額 Dollar value of inventory
Dynamo Functions 成品庫存成本 Cost of finished inventory
Dynamo Functions 成品庫存成本 Cost of finished (VASS)
Dynamo Functions 成品庫存成本 Cost of finished (APC)
Dynamo Functions 在製品成本 Cost of work in process
Dynamo Functions 零件存貨成本 Cost of parts inventory
Dynamo Functions 流動資產 Current assets
Dynamo Functions 固定資產的帳面價值 Book value of fixed assets
Dynamo Functions 折舊 Depreciation
Dynamo Functions 總資產 Total assets
Dynamo Functions 應付帳款 Accounts payable
Dynamo Functions 應付帳款增加 Account payable increases
Dynamo Functions 零件送達成本 Costs of parts arrival rate
Dynamo Functions 應付帳款支出 Accounts payable payments
Dynamo Functions 短期負債 Short-term debt
Dynamo Functions 流動負債 Current liabilities
Dynamo Functions 長期負債 Long-term debt
Dynamo Functions 總負債 Total liabilities
Dynamo Functions 股東權益 Equity
Dynamo Functions 總負債與股東權益 Total liabilities and equity
Dynamo Functions 保留盈餘 Retain earning
Dynamo Functions 淨利 Net profits
Dynamo Functions 毛利 Gross profits
Dynamo Functions 物料運送成本 Cost of material shipped
Dynamo Functions 勞動成本 Labor costs
Dynamo Functions 平均薪資 Average salary
Dynamo Functions 員工進退成本 Cost of  labor turnover
Dynamo Functions 固定成本 Fixed cost
Dynamo Functions 固定成本 Fixed cost (cont’d)
Dynamo Functions 利息支出 Interest payments
Dynamo Functions 利率 Interest rate
Dynamo Functions 負債風險貼水 Risk premium of debt
Dynamo Functions 平均通貨膨脹率 Average inflation rate
Dynamo Functions 純益率 Return on sales
Dynamo Functions 股東權益報酬率 Return on equity
Dynamo Functions 流動比率 Current ratio
Dynamo Functions 負債權益比
Dynamo Functions 年存貨週轉率 Annual inventory returns
Dynamo Functions 短期借款 Short-term borrowing
Dynamo Functions 現金變化指標 Indicated change in cash
Dynamo Functions 期望的現金 Desired cash
Dynamo Functions 流動比率對短期借款的影響 Effect of current ration on short-term
Dynamo Functions 短期支出 Short-term payments
Dynamo Functions 短期負債對支出的影響 Effect on short-term debt on payments
Dynamo Functions 長期借款 Long-term borrowing
Dynamo Functions 長期融資指標 Indicated long-term financing
Dynamo Functions 投資 Investment
Dynamo Functions 投資 Investment (CEA)
Dynamo Functions 投資 Investment (CPUCE)
Dynamo Functions 平均營運現金流量 Average cash flow from operations
Dynamo Functions 營運現金流量 Cash flow from operations
Dynamo Functions 負債融資比 Percent debt financing

上一篇:计划成本法培训课件(PPT 34页)

下一篇:行政管理学讲义(PPT 134页)

现代企业成本审计管理方法(ppt 70页)

现代成本控制的目标(doc 11页)

交易费用理论课件(PPT 88页)

成本控制的基本含义(ppt 31页)

企业管理中的隐性成本及其控制 doc14

某电缆有限公司成本与费用管理办法(doc 30页)

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