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阿克苏诺贝尔多元文化环境与公司文化英文(ppt 51页)


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What is Culture?
A system of values
and norms shared
among a group of
people and, when
taken together,
constitute a design
for living.
   Culture can be defined as a system of orientation in an organization consisting of basic, unconscious attitudes, of values, and of the corresponding artifact.  Such values +ve or -ve may be reinforced implicitly or explicitly over a period of time.  It influence the behavior, communication, acting and judgements of the fellow colleagues.
Study (IBM) is a general way to look at differences between cultures.
4 dimensions:
Power distance.
Individualism versus collectivism.
Uncertainty avoidance.
Masculinity versus femininity.
Assumption of one-to-one relationship between culture and nation-state.
Research may be culturally bound.
Respondents worked within a single company.
Work is beginning to look dated (1967-1973).
Culture and Ethics
Do the “right” thing.
Thomas Donaldson’s Three Principles:
Respect for core human values (human rights), which determine the absolute moral threshold for all business activities.
Respect for local tradition.
The belief that context matters when deciding what is right and what is wrong.
The Organization and Culture
Organizational Culture   
Values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that help the members of the organization understand what it stands for, how it does things, and what it considers important.
The broad issues associated with differences in values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes held by people in different cultures.
When members of a group differ from one another along dimensions such as age, gender, or ethnicity.





上一篇:从西游记讲述企业文化人员从业素质(doc 5

下一篇:某公司的文化、管理及运作体系(ppt 107页

阳光丝业企业文化宣言(ppt 79页)

该如何开展卓有成效的企业文化培训(doc 14页)

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某公司企业文化培训课件(PPT 46页)

企业文化与企业标准(ppt 41页)

企业文化测评的最佳实践(doc 6页)

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