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关于移动通信行业的趋势分析(英文版)(ppt 48页)


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2、Key issues for China Mobile
3、The Communications Enterprise Solution Architecture (CESA)
4、Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
5、About PricewaterhouseCoopers


In PwC’s experience, 5 strategic imperatives are common to developing mobile operators
Identify, develop, and retain target customers through on-going segmentation and analysis
Secure existing revenues through revenue integrity measures
Become customer centric, and begin to develop a Customer Management System
Switch fixed to variable costs through outsourcing
Optimise the business portfolio to capture and invest in new revenues streams
Looking Forward:
PwC has the following assumptions about CMCC’s
future operation:
CMCC’s business will get increasingly complex as a result of growth, competition, technological change, and market change
Significant performance improvement will be required to sustain shareholder value
Competency in new service creation, mobile data, and customer management will be required for sustainable, long-term leadership
Strong partnerships and alliances will be critical to success


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