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How to Write a Good Creative Brief(英文)(pdf 19页)


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How to Write a Good Creative Brief(英文)内容提要:
Why is a brief important?
It’s the marching orders for your “creative army”…
Get the instructions right: you send your troops in the right direction, and can win the war.
Get the instructions wrong: you can waste your manpower, lose direction, and can lose the war.

The Waste of Time
Brand Position: well known brand
Brand Objective: increase sales
Advertising Objective: make people buy more
Target Audience: female 18-25 middle class
Target Insight/Desire: shop a lot
Essential Idea: brand X is the most satisfying
Support: highest quality/made by X
Brand Personality: fun, thoughtful, helpful, energetic, youthful, warm, exciting, kind, brave, trustworthy, edgy...

Writing a Good Brief
The toughest thing to write is the essential message, because it has to be simple, focused and very concise. Ask yourself: What is single most important thing we want to say about how/why the brand fits the consumers’ needs and desires? Remember, this is not the campaign slogan, but it must be focused and inspiring.


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