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Embracing an Age of Self-Determination(英文版)(ppt 92页)


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Embracing an Age of Self-Determination(英文版)内容提要:
“The fundamental unit of the new economy is not the corporation, but the individual. Tasks aren’t assigned and controlled through a stable chain of command but are carried out autonomously by independent contractors—e-lancers—who join together in fluid and temporary networks to sell goods and services. When the job is done, the network dissolves and its members become independent again, circulating through the economy, seeking the next assignment.”

Is It …
ix these bloody customer problems that have cropped up with the new 2783B?
Or …
A chance to work with a hotshot, young division GM on …
using the Internet/Internet Speed to revisit the entire process of how we get customer input—before and during the fact—into the heart of the Product Design Process?

“A good plant engineer in a paper mill may create $100K to $300K in value per year. An outstanding software product developer may create a product worth $1M to $300M. Talented people are less likely to wait their turn. We used to view young people as trainees; now they are authorities. Arguably this is the first time the older generation can—and must—leverage the younger generation very early in their careers”
Ed Michaels, War for Talent (05.17.00)


上一篇:HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)

下一篇:Managing the Supply Chain(英文版)(pp

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