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顶新营销人员专业训练教材(ppt 38页)


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一、为何品牌资产 Brand Equity。
五、何为消费饮用时机的营销计划 ( Beverage Occasion-based marketing).
六、如何与通路客户的营销资源相结合来达到透过K/A 平台做品牌推广。


营销箴言Marketing Motto :
“The old conventional thinking that said if you grab people’s hearts, their wallets will follow is dead, kaput, finished….
People need reasons to buy.”
“传统的营销思维认为:我们如果抓住消费者的心,他们就会自然掏出荷包里的钱,这是想法己过时。消费者需要理由来购买产品。 ”
(Consumption is what counts!消费!消费!再消费!)
“Use the right yardsticks: focus on both volume and profits;on actual consumption, not share of market; and on share of future purchase, not brand awareness.

茶里王某 Marketing Strategy :
We will drive frequency among teens and young adults by introducing new occasion-based and consumer insight-driven thematic TVC
We will drive trial and convert lapsed into light & heavy users among teens and young adults by addressing excitement of the brand via flavor intension – distinctive line extension ( from the Chinese authentic tea to the Western fine teae.g. the British or Italian favored tea)
We will drive in-home frequency among home category managers ( the Moms) by addressing portion size and value barrier via 1.5L/250ml 6PK new package and value offers.

“Occasion-Based Marketing has been 3 years in the making at Coca-Cola. Tom Reddin, vice president of consumer marketing at Coca-Cola USA, says that Occasion-Based Marketing connects when and why consumers drink with how they shop for drinks.
The concept combines a number of initiatives ranging from the Shop Refreshed and Drive Refreshed programs to no brain meal solutions and activity-oriented solution to cross-merchandising programs.
消费时机营销的概念括包诸多可行性高的方案例如:店内边喝边买- 轻松购物、畅快开车、懒人超值套餐……等;OBM从促销导向的销售方案到关联性的品牌与商品的陈列活动,不所不包。


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