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现代企业运营管理方案分析(ppt 82页)(英文版)


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Please notify me in advance if you are absent or late, taking a French leave is not allowed.
According to the rules made by MBA office, those who are absent one third or above from the total classes will be barred  from the final exam, no matter what grade you get in the other 2!

Guideline in Teaching This Course
Focus on bird’s-eye view of POM rather than a certain specific content,
Focus on the managerial matter of  POM rather than methodologies and techniques,
Focus on the most useful segments of  POM rather than a comprehensive ones, and
Lecture, case study (assignment), discussion, and site touring (speeches given by celebrities of POM) will comprise the total activities of this course.

How to Become A POM Expert?
You should have a sound mathematical sense for so many POM problems need to be calculated,
You should have a good knowledge of computer science for it is a valuable tool to tackle POM problems,
You should deal with the real problems by using the book knowledge,
Last, not least, you should be familiar with the English language because the newly emerged POM techniques are mostly explained in this language.


上一篇:总经理全面运营管理培训课程(ppt 172页)

下一篇:代理商的运营手册(doc 15页)

房地产企业运营管理培训课程(PPT 249页)

校讯通运营发展规划(PPT 29页)

优化数据中心运营方法来降低运营成本(ppt 26页)

科技孵化器运营与团队建设课件(PPT 44页)

营运总监的管理课件(PPT 118页)

西餐厅运营管理手册(doc 61页)

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