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企业并购整合咨询框架(英文版)(ppt 60页)


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1、Executive Summary
2、Our Understanding of Your Situation
3、A.T. Kearney’s Perspective on Merger Integration
4、Proposed Overall Approach
5、Realizing Integration Synergies
6、Integration Management
7、A.T. Kearney Qualifications


Our Understanding your Situation This section is tailored to the client situation and summarizes the key drivers of the merger.  It should highlight relevant quantitative and qualitative analysis that demonstrate our insight into the client’s  particular challenges and drivers of success for the integration

Activity Strategic Importance
How core is the activity?  How “entangled” is it with the rest of the organization?
How critical is it to maintain control and involvement in the activity?
Is the activity an area of competitive advantage today?  In the future?

The Steering Committee and Integration Office manage the overall program and coordinate decentralized project teams through the Integration Office
Steering Committee:
Develop/communicate objectives and targets
Develop merger guiding principles
Sign off on major issues/decisions
Set overall direction for integration
Provide resources and eliminate roadblocks
Implement top-down communication
Focus on continuing operations


上一篇:并购业务的赢利模式(ppt 30页)

下一篇:企业并购重组的简述(ppt 134页)

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我国上市公司并购研究培训课件(PPT 47页)

律师企业并购重组流程与尽职调查实务课件(PPT 51页)

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