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MKXZ中国移动总体战略分析(ppt 74页)(英文版)


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The competitive landscape for mobile services has evolved from a single regulator and operator to today’s duopoly of China Unicom and China Mobile, both of whom are unassociated with the Ministry of Information Industries. A second breakup of China Telecom is expected to form two large telecom operators, China Telecom and China Netcom Group, who are likely to receive mobile licenses. A fifth telecom operator, China Railcom, also has the potential of receiving a third generation license and building a mobile business. For now, China Mobile dominates the market with 82% value share and 72% subscriber share and owns much of the high value user base. However churn is already high and is expected to increase with continuing pricing pressures and increased competition.

The key assumptions in determining the income threshold are:
Chinese consumers willing to spend 5-10%% of their income on communication services – higher than the average of 3.5-4% for more developed markets as a greater portion of income is available for non-essential goods as a result of China’s relatively low living cost

Announcement on November 26 to merge Jitong with China Netcom and China Telecom Northern unit
Competition will increase as merged telecom giants obtain licenses for comprehensive telecom operations, including
Fixed-line phone
Mobile phone
Internet-related services
Original plan to merge China Mobile with Jitong and China Unicom with China Railcom, met with strong dissent from the capital markets who saw this as an affront to China Mobile and China Unicom’s governance as publicly held companies.


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