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某公司怎样处理回收物流(doc 21页)(英文版)


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The answer to reducing the cost of returns does not always lie in improving your
reverse logistics operations. At Philips Consumer Electronics, the returns
management department has focused on how it can stop returns before they even
enter the reverse supply chain. By taking preventative steps such as improving
a product’s ease of use, enforcing company policies, and revitalizing the
service network, Philips has cut its returns by more than $100 million per year.

When Ken approached me, I was working in the product marketing group after a
decade in sales with regional and national accounts. My background was new for
the returns management role. Normally, the credit, finance, or service groups
within most companies handle returns. But Ken understood that returns really
are "reverse sales," and they are often caused by product-marketing decisions.

Yet, in spite of all of our success at Philips, I still have a hard
time explaining to my family what I do. When they do understand, I
usually have to field the blame from anyone who has been refused a
return by a retailer. My wife holds me personally responsible for
the change in some retailers' return policies to receipt required.
I try to remind her that if the high costs of returns are eliminated,
the overall price of products eventually will go down or stay down.
She doesn't really believe me. Then I remind her that it's my job
—returns management.


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