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中远集运企业文化研究及其塑造(doc 69页)


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第1章 绪 论........................1
1.1 研究背景及意义........................1
1.2 国内外研究综述........................4
1.2.1 国外企业文化研究综述........................5
1.2.2 国内企业文化研究综述........................7
1.3 主要研究内容及框架........................9
第2章 中远集运企业文化塑造的必要性分析........................12
2.2 中远集运企业文化塑造的必要性........................14
2.2.1 企业文化的重要性........................14
2.2.2 中远集运自身的发展迫切需要优秀企业文化的支撑........................16
2.2.3 全球竞争的加剧推动中远集运企业文化建设的步伐........................16
第3章 中远集运企业文化现状诊断........................19
3.1 企业文化诊断的方法........................19
3.2 中远集运企业文化诊断过程........................21
3.3 中远集运企业文化诊断结果........................23
3.3.1 中远集运企业文化塑造的有利因素........................23
3.3.2 中远集运企业文化塑造的不利因素........................26
第4章 中远集运企业文化塑造的方案设计........................30
4.1 塑造独具特色的中远集运企业文化的原则........................30
4.2 塑造中远集运企业文化方案注意的问题........................31
4.3 塑造中远集运企业文化的具体内容........................34
4.3.1 中远集运的精神文化........................34
4.3.2 中远集运的制度文化........................36
4.3.3 中远集运的行为文化........................37
4.3.4 中远集运的物质文化........................39
4.4 塑造中远集运企业文化的实施模式........................40
第5章 中远集运企业文化塑造的方案实施........................41
5.1 企业文化实施的过程........................41
5.1.1 文化变革与习惯........................41
5.1.2 领导与文化的变革........................41
5.1.3 企业文化塑造演变为公开的话题........................43
5.2.1 甄选过程........................48
5.2.2 高层管理人员........................48
5.2.3 社会化........................48
第6章 研究结论和展望........................50
6.1 结论........................50
6.2 展望........................50
参 考 文 献........................52
致  谢........................56


Without good corporate culture it would not have excellent business, which is a world-class blue chip company approval and consistent understanding. With China's market economy system and gradually establish and perfect the practice of many companies from their own to appreciate, from the face of competitive products, services, brands and the talent competition, in terms of a deeper level of competition is the corporate culture . How to build excellent corporate culture become the focus of Chinese enterprises.
In this paper, COSCO Container Lines Company Limited ("COSCO") as the research object, in the light of reality on the basis of COSCO process of shaping the corporate culture and the problems should pay attention to a detailed analysis and discussion. The main point is: first, culture is a product of personality rather than the generic product, we shape the corporate culture must be integrated with the actual situation, not blindly copy the mode of others, nor impractical maverick. So in shaping corporate culture COSCON content process, must take into account corporate culture COSCON status and actual situation of the enterprise and beyond to build COSCO unique corporate culture, this culture requires not only a ship of its outstanding cultural heritage , and was supposed to be traditional culture and modern culture, Chinese culture and Western culture combined. Second, the Cosco operate for a set of state-owned enterprises in the corporate culture of the implementation process should use the advantages of political work team, the ideological and political work on innovation, so also for the corporate culture construction. But also as a branch of many, a wide range of large business enterprises in the corporate culture to be solved in the implementation process of the regional cultural conflicts, and coordinate the primary culture and subculture relationship.
The article structure is divided into five parts. Part I: Introduction. This section introduces the research background and significance, at Home and Abroad, study the basic ideas and research and thesis research framework. Part II: Enterprise Culture COSCON Necessity. In this section focuses on the meaning of corporate culture, its importance for modern enterprises, and the Enterprise Culture COSCON urgency. Part III: Status COSCO diagnosis of corporate culture. This section describes the corporate culture COSCON process and methods of diagnosis, and corporate culture COSCON analyzes the current situation. Part IV: Enterprise Culture COSCON content. Corporate culture should have a personality. This part of the actual combination of COSCO, discussed COSCO create content with the idea of corporate culture characteristics. The last part: COSCO shape the implementation of the corporate culture. Enterprise Culture is a complex task, not a short time, must be in accordance with the orderly conduct of certain patterns. This section introduces the Enterprise Culture COSCON implementation modalities and attention.


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