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Foundations of Planning7 (ppt 22页)


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Foundations of Planning7 Intorduction:
What Is Planning?
Define planning.
Differentiate between formal and informal planning.
Why Do Managers Plan?
Describe the purposes of planning.
Tell the conclusions from studies of the relationship between planning and performance.
How Do Managers Plan?
Define goals and plans.
Describe the types of goals organizations might have.
Explain why it’s important to know an organization’s stated and real goals.
How Do Managers Plan? (cont’d)
Describe each of the different types of plans.
Establishing Goals and Developing Plans
Discuss how traditional goal setting works.
Explain the concept of the means-end chain.
Describe the management by objective (MBO) approach.
List the steps in a typical MBO program.
Discuss the advantage and drawbacks of MBO programs.
Describe the characteristics of well-designed goals.
Explain the steps in setting goals.
Establishing Goals and Developing Plans (cont’d)
Discuss the contingency factors that affect planning.
Describe the approaches to planning.
Establishing Goals and Developing Plans (cont’d)
Explain the criticisms of planning and whether or not they’re valid.
Describe how managers can effectively plan in today’s dynamic environment.


上一篇:Decision making the essence 6(ppt 29页

下一篇:Strategic Management8 (ppt 28页)


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