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某项目管理分析报告(英文版)(ppt 240页)


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1. The history of project management
There are three different times
Old times-before 1940’s
Traditional times-1940’s-1980’s
Modern times-1980’s till now
There are two main association:
PMI-Project Management Institute
IPMA-International Project Management Association, before called Internet.
2. Modern Project Management
There are two characteristics for MPM
Enlarged management area-from 3 to 9 areas
Expended to all projects not only the construction and engineering projects.
Become a discipline of Management
Operation or routine  management
Project and program management  
3. The importance of learning MPM
All things start with project and then may or may not transit into operations.
The project become the great means for a company to make profit in the knowledge economy since all innovations are realized through projects.
The top management should deal with exceptions and that need PMP.
4. The Definition of Project
Project – temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service
Has a definite beginning and end and interrelated activities
Under the restriction of resources
For some purpose of a organization or even a person.

上一篇:新增能力项目汇总分析(xls 6页)

下一篇:公共项目管理与政策分析(ppt 58页)

某工程项目管理计划书(DOC 37页)

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某住宅及配套项目土方工程施工方案(DOC 14页)

项目管理师-助理项目管理师复习习题(DOC 50页)


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