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中国现存危机 -- The Economist
A dragon out of puff

Jun 13th 2002
From The Economist print edition

With WTO membership under its belt, and a new leadership ready to take over later this year, China would seem well placed to tackle vital reforms. But expect a long wait, says James Miles

IF THE ebb and flow of China's recent history is any guide, the country is due for a period of momentous change. Every decade or so since the communists came to power in 1949 has seen a juddering shift of gear—the famine-inducing Great Leap Forward, the violent factional strife of the Cultural Revolution, the start of economic reforms and the nationwide anti-government demonstrations of 1989. And already two signposts to the next milestone have come into view.

The first was the country's accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) last December, after a 15-year quest. In theory this should not only provide the world with unprecedented access to China's markets, it should also bind China's economic reforms with the n




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