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某公司进入中国市场策略项目建议书英文(ppt 36页)


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A. Fierce competition from international and domestic players has imposed  3
      great challenge on Henkel 
B.  To achieve turnaround, Henkel should adopt an aggressive expansion strategy  10
C. Roland Berger will help develop the appropriate strategy: project outline 12
D.  Project organization and time frame  22
E.    Value of the project  12
F.    Roland Berger is a best partner of Henkel to exploit China detergent market: 12
       selected reference
Annex A: Case study - Qiqiang 32
Annex B: Case study - P&G 42



A. Fierce competition from international and domestic players has imposed great challenge on Henkel 
After fast increase in earlier 1990th, annual growth of China detergent market has slowed down in these years
Overcapacity in detergent indudstry leads to price reduction and thus reduces the product profitability
At present, there are about 150 manufactures in detergent industry with capacity of 3.8 million tons, but total market volume is about 2.7 million tons, so the utilization rate of capacity is about 70%
Marekt entry of detergent industry is pretty low and there lies a lot of unregistered factories, If taking their capacity into account, the utilizaition rate will be furthur reduced to about 50%-60%



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