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IWAY审核项目明细表中英文(doc 22页)


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1 Please state type of certificate, company that issued the certificate and date of issue  请指明证书类别,发证机构和日期
2 Please state name(s) of other international customers  请列举其他客户名称
Explanation of Help symbols: 辅助符号说明
O = Verify by asking questions to manager during documentation review. 在审核文件时询问工厂负责人查证
 = Verify by checking documents. 通过审核文件来查证
N = Verify by checking the actual situation on the factory site.  根据现场实际情况查证
Q = Verify the question by asking question to relevant personnel on the factory site. 通过现场询问相关人员来查证
1 GENERAL LEGAL     COMPLIANCE 法律法规要求 Help symbol辅助符号 Questions 问题 Auditors comments审核意见/不符情况说明 NA不适用 OK通过 Not OK不通过
 A) Environmental Social & Working conditions (fire, labour, health & safety)Legislation on a national, regional and local level      国家和地方关于环境,社会责任和工作条件(消防,劳工,卫生和安全)的法律法规 N A1Do you have a person(s) responsible  for Environmental, Social- & Working conditions (fire, labour, health & safety)?  工厂是否有关于环境, 社会责任和工作条件(消防,劳工,卫生和安全)的负责人 Environmental   


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