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APQP-PPAP(ppt 50)


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What is APQP?
APQP is a "defined" process for a product development system for Ford, Daimler- Chrysler, GM and their suppliers.
APQP is an attempt to provide a common path and synchronization of product development activities.
APQP is an attempt to ensure communication both within a company and between a company and its customer


上一篇:04APQP教育訓練(PPT 101)

下一篇:APQPPPAP背景资料(PPT 41)

APQP产品先期策划实例(doc 25页)

APQP产品先期质量策划培训(ppt 41页)

APQP产品质量先期策划(PPT 110页)

凯众APQP功能展合集(doc 34页)

APQP产品质量先期策划和控制计划教材(PPT 105页)

供应商质量策划(APQP)活动跟踪表(9个 doc)

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