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What Is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a results-oriented, project-focused approach to
quality. It's a way of measuring and setting targets for reductions
in product or service defects that is directly connected to customer
requirements. These reductions in the cost of poor quality translate
into cost savings and competitive advantage. Sigma, s, represents
one standard deviation from the average or mean. Most
control charts set their range at +3s, but Six Sigma extends three
more standard deviations. At six sigma, there are only 3.4 parts
per million (PPM) defective.
In Built To Last, (Collins 1997), the authors mention the need for a
BHAG or Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Using Six Sigma as a guide,
you can measure your current performance in defects per million
and set a BHAG of reaching the next level sigma. Set a goal to
reach 5 sigma, estimating 18-24 months per sigma.



6Sigma培训管理基础教材(PPT 128页)

六西格玛管理的新思维和新实践(doc 10)

西格玛管理(ppt 72)英文版

六西格玛之测量流程图(PPT 68页)

六西格玛管理模式产生的历史背景(ppt 25页)

Supplier Six Sigma Integration(PPT 60页)

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