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ISO9000质量管理体系认证(英文版)(doc 42页)


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The contents of this consultancy project cover the following activities:
1.Review any current documentation that were established and documented.  Where necessary, documents will be amended to comply with the requirements of the revised standard.
2.Identify and map out the SS Consultancy Pte Ltd’s critical or vital processes and their inter-links.  These process maps will help in the identification of critical points for control, monitoring and measurements of the related processes.  Relevant documentation may need to be established depending on operational needs.
3.Review current processes and streamline them according to the PDCA approach for better management of processes.
4.Help the SS Consultancy Pte Ltd identify performance indicators and improvement objectives (including functional objectives) to support the Quality Policy.
5.Assist in defining and measuring the effectiveness of actions taken to develop and improve job competencies, including training.
6.Provide guidance in the development of a customer satisfaction measurement system.
7.Assist in identifying areas for improvement according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.
8.Assist the SS Consultancy Pte Ltd to establish the 6 mandatory procedures specified in the ISO 9001:2000 standard.


上一篇:ISO9001:2000标准培训教材(doc 42页)


OHSAS18001:1999职业安全卫生管理危害(ppt 35页)

ISO9000:2000教程第四部分(PPT 38页)

环境管理体系审核清单(DOC 15页)


ISO14001环境管理体系条款培训(PPT 50页)

质量管理体系的建立和运行(ppt 95页)

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