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FMEA培训教材(英文版)(ppt 79页)


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     Appropriate recommended actions may not have been taken.
Savings in engineering time.
     Reduction of changes immediately before productionstart (Commercial Release).
     Assess effects on all customers Identifies potential manufacturing and assembly causes to focus controls on reducing occurrence   or increasing detection.
    Modification to a product or process is planned Component is to be used in new environment Customer rejections


上一篇:质量管理部FMEA概述(ppt 44页)

下一篇:设计FMEA失效模式方案(ppt 52页)

FMEA失效模式与效应分析(2)(ppt 82页)

DFMEA产品设计潜在失效模式与影响分析(pdf 8页)

FMEA因果、鱼骨图讲座(ppt 19页)

设计FMEA与制程FMEA之区别(ppt 72页)

潜在失效模式及后果分析FMEA (ppt 70页)

潜在失效模式和影响分析课件(PPT 50页)

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