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FMEA失效模式和效果分析培训教材(英文版)(ppt 79页)


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Appropriate recommended actions may not have been taken.
Savings in engineering time.
Reduction of changes immediately before productionstart (Commercial Release).
Rate severity of failure modes
Identify actions to reduce occurence
Test adequacy of controls
Assess effects on all customers
Identifies potential manufacturing and assembly causes to focus controls on reducing occurrence or increasing detection.
Modification to a product or process is planned
Component is to be used in new environment
Customer rejections


上一篇:关于FMEA的培训资料(英文版)(ppt 24页)

下一篇:FMEA失效模式与后果分析内容概要(ppt 52页

FMEA(ppt 41)

FMEA失效模式及后果分析讲义(PPT 84页)

FMEA潜在失效模式及后果分析(PPT 98页)

过程失效模式及后果分析中英文(ppt 61页)

SEM  FMEA训练教材(ppt 50页)

FMEA的实施指南--潜在失效模式及后果分析(doc 8页)

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