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诺基亚营销组合及IT行业管理知识分析(PDF 75页)


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诺基亚营销组合及IT行业管理知识分析(PDF 75页)简介:

Product is anything thm Can be offered to a market for attention,acquisition,use orconsumption and that might satisfy a want or need.Products include more than jlasttangible goods.Broadly defined,products include physical objects,services,events,persons,places,organizations,ideaS,or mixes ofthese entities.
Today,aS products and services become more and more common,many companiesare moving to a new level in creating value for their customers.To differentiate theiroffers,tlley are developing and delivering total customer experiences.WhereaSproductS are tangible and services are intangible,experiences are memorable.
WhereaS products and services are extemal,experiences are personal and tale placein the minds of individual consumers.Companies that market experiences realizethat customers are really buying much more than just products and services.nlcyare buying what those offers will.SO for them--the expedences they gain inpurchasing and consuming these products and services.


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