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空客A380疲劳裂缝交通运输管理知识分析(英文版)(DOC 75页)


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空客A380疲劳裂缝交通运输管理知识分析(英文版)(DOC 75页)简介:

According to Airbus, the damage to the wings is not very dangerous, because there are 4,000 of the brackets in question. Nevertheless, the hairline cracks have to be repaired, and the large number of defective brackets makes it a costly and complex procedure.
But simply replacing the brackets is not a permanent solution to the problem because
hairline cracks can also occur in the new brackets. Because the same Alloy is still being used in production, the repair remains a patchwork solution.

Current design methodologies have been observed again unreliable!
These defects were only discovered through a random (not planned) inspection!
EASA & Airbus disagree on critically of these parts.

In the final approval letter establishing the Air Force Aircraft Structural Integrity Program which still holds true today:
"The successful accomplishment of this program is vital to the Air Force's capability to perform its assigned mission, and requires complete and active support and cooperation of all staff and command levels of the Air Force organization."... General Curtis E. LeMay, U.S. Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, 19 November 1958




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