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武科大机械行业管理专业英语Lesson39(PPT 43页)


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Dressing is the process of conditioning worn grains on the surface of a grinding wheel by producing sharp new edges on grains so that they can cut more efficiently.
Gear Planing(刨齿) The shape of the space between gear teeth is complex and varies with the number of teeth on the gear as well as tooth module(模数),so most gear manufacturing methods generate the tooth flank (齿腹) instead of forming(采用展成法加工齿面而不是采用成形法加工).
Gear planing uses a reciprocating rack(往复运动的齿条刀), stroking(击、打、切)in the direction of the helix(螺旋) on a gear with a gradual generation of form as the rack effectively rolls round the gear blank (齿轮毛坯) (当齿条刀绕齿轮坯料滚切并沿其螺旋线方向运动时,齿形就会被逐渐展成). ……
……The rack is relieved out of contact(脱离接触)for the return stroke as in normal shaping or planing(与普通的刨削加工相同). It has the great advantage that the cutting tool is a simple rack with (nearly) straight sided teeth which can easily be ground accurately(刀具为具有直线齿形或者接近与直线齿形的齿条,其齿面易于进行精确磨削加工). ……


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