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大学英语四级作文阅读材料汇总(doc 11页)


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Living alone or Living with Roommates
Nowadays, there has appeared a heated discussion among the college students as to whether they should live alone off campus or live together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. Opinions are divided over the matter.
Those who are in favor of living alone maintain that it is very convenient to live by themselves. They can enjoy absolute freedom in a room of their own. They can have their own timetable without disturbing others. They are also free to equip the room with a personal computer so that they can have easy access to the Internet.
But others argue that living with roommates has attractions of its own. With several students sharing the same room, each person’s experiences can be greatly enriched. They can learn a lot from talking to one another. By learning to tolerate the differences between individuals, they can become more mature.
As far as I’m concerned, I prefer to live with roommates because I love the feeling of belonging. Besides, it is a lot cheaper to live in a dorm than to rent an apartment off campus.


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