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大学英语基础训练测试题(doc 21页)


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Describe yourself:
Well, to start with, I think I will tell you what I do. I am a lawyer here in Shanghai and I've been working as an attorney for about 3 years. My work is interesting, but it involves very complicated issues and often there are various strategies that are necessary for success.
I enjoy meeting people and forming new relationships with people. I enjoy hearing people’s stories and I like trying my best to help them. I also enjoy getting out with my friends and enjoying the entertainment places. I am a big fan of jazz and there are a few places that I go to enjoy it. I can also play the saxophone and even play in a bad at a bar form time to time, but I don't have time to do it regularly.
What I don't like doing? Hmm. let me think, well I suppose I just don't like having to go through a lot of very tedious details at work and quite frankly I don't like clients who lie to me about their situation. There are some things about the job, which I don't like and I'm not proud about everything that I do, but overall I really like it.
I think my good points are that I'm quite good at communicating. I mean, you have to be as a lawyer. I do know a lot about the law, especially commercial law that is my specialty. I have a good memory for legal issues and law and I can use them quite well to argue a point. My bad points are that I am the worst person for finding directions. I get lost everywhere when I'm traveling. If you ask my wife she’ll tell you that there's nobody as bad as I for getting lost in places.
As for how you can be my friend. I think the key thing is that you just need to have a good sense of humour and you just need to be honest in your actions. Actually I am quire willing to be anyone’s friends but I hate people who make a big show of it. I don't need any special favours or gifts to be my friends. If people just act themselves...well, that’s good enough for me.

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