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Postgraduate English(英文版)(ppt 221页)


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Postgraduate English(英文版)目录:
二、Listening Comprehension Test
三、Speaking Test
四、Marking Criterion
五、Assessment Scales
六、Outlining – the standard topic outline form
八、How To Be A Good Conversationalist
九、Seven tips
十、How to end a conversation
十一、How to keep a conversation going
十二、WHO makes small talk?

Postgraduate English(英文版)内容提要:
Likes and Dislikes:
Reading books
Watching TV
Listening to music
Playing musical instruments
Collecting stamps/coins
Going to the cinema
Surfing on the computer
Playing video games
Playing sports
define nonverbal communication
identify the four types of nvc
understand the importance of nvc in cross-cultural communication
use nonverbal cues to communicate
notetaking skill/recognizing the sections of a talk



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