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某商业金融术语规划(doc 41页)


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IBA Credit Limited
IBU International Finance Limited
idle fund
illegal consideration
illegal loan
immediate interest
immediate outlook for the economy
immediate parties
immigration-linked investment scheme
immovable property
implicit price deflator
implied indemnity
import and export trade
import and export trade statistics
import demand
import deposit scheme
import duty
import price
import surcharge
imported inflation
imposition of tax
imprest account
imprest cash
imprest fund
imprest warrant
improper investment
imputed cost
imputed price
in absolute cash terms
in absolute terms
in custody of firm
in debt
in denomination of...
in money terms
in net terms
in nominal terms
in real terms
in relative terms
in terms of value-added
in the money
in value terms


上一篇:商业银行内部控制评价试行方案(doc 12页)


金融中介机构类型与商业银行管理(ppt 22页)

建设银行CI导入(ppt 22页)

银行从业公共基础学习资料汇总(doc 35页)

国际现货黄金相关资料(doc 6页)

金融债定价报告(pdf 5页)

金融中介概述(ppt 55页)

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