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福特汽车公司品质系统(ppt 41页)


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1. Ford Total Quality Excellence
Company Policy Letter No. 1
Quality is defined by the customer; the customer wants products and services that, throughout their life, meet his or her needs and expectations at a cost that represents value.  品質是由顧客所定義
Quality excellence can best be achieved by preventing problems rather than by detecting and correcting them after they occur. 達成卓越的品質必須注重在問題的預防
All work that is done by Company employees, suppliers, and dealers is part of a process that creates a product or service for a customer. Each person can influence some part of that process and, therefore, affect the quality of its output and the ultimate customers’ satisfaction with our products and services.
Sustained quality excellence requires continuous process improvement. This means, regardless of how good present performance may be, it can become even better.
People provide the intelligence and generate the actions that are necessary to realize these improvements.
Each employee is a customer for work done by other employees or suppliers, with a right to expect good work from others and an obligation to contribute work of high caliber to those who, in turn, are his or her customers.
2. 福特六和品質管理之發展演進   
~1986- Introduction/Localization
引入福特原廠產品開發標準如Worldwide Design Requirement 及Worldwide Product Acceptance Specifications 。
品管部門轄AP-QC (裝配及製造品管)及QA(品保) 。
廠內推動UPAS-Uniform Product Assessment System-產品品質統一稽核系統。

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