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3G通讯的发展与应用趋势技术篇(英文版)(ppt 46页)


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On completion of this section will be able to:
Understand the development of 3G
Name the concept of the three different multiple access technologies and understand where each be used
Understand the IMT-2000 system
Objectives of 3G
Globally universal frequency band and standard, global   seamless coverage
Highly effective spectrum efficiency
Higher quality of service, security and reliability
Easy to smoothly develop and transit from 2G, compatible with 2G in a reverse direction
Providing multimedia services, with the rate of up to 2Mbps
Vehicle environment:  144kbps
Environment for walk:  384kbps
Indoor environment:  2Mbps
Location Services
The system transfers to the nearest alarm processing center based on the location information of the user reporting an alarm.
An alarm button can be set on a user’s mobile phone to achieve the goal of reporting an alarm without any conversation.

上一篇:通信政策法规工作情况和思路(ppt 21页)

下一篇:3G专利平台论坛(ppt 106页)

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