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某服装工厂评估指导手册-中英对照(doc 54页)


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1. 雇佣道德
2. 健康和安全保障
3. 生产相关产品的技术能力
4. 质量保证系统



   Under ILO convention 155 and Recommendations 164, you must provide a safe place of work and you must meet all local laws relating to health, safety and welfare in the workplace. This requirement also applies to any accommodation you provide for your workers.
根据国际劳工组织条款第155条及推荐第164条,你们必须提供安全的工作场所,并在健康,安全和福利方面满足当地法律的要求;如果提供食宿,则食宿场所也必须安全、卫生* You must appoint a senior manager who is responsible for thehealth, safety and welfare of employees, and you must do all you easonably can to prevent accidents and injury.必须任命一各高级管理人员负责员工的健康,安全和福利方面的事宜,并且尽一切合理措施防止事故和伤害* You must prepare health and safety procedures, regularly train your workers in these  procedures, and you must regularly test these procedures.必须建立健康和安全程序,并定期培训员工及测试这些程序的可执行性
* There must be adequate lighting and ventilation.必须有足够的照明及通风
* You must provide clean drinking water 必须提供洁净的饮用水
* There must be adequate toilet facilities.


上一篇:Movex 服装系统功能讲述(ppt 106页)

下一篇:雅戈尔纺织服装业深度研究报告(pdf 25页)

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服装设计的形式美法则(PPT 33页)

服装用织物的特征及其适用性综述(ppt 232页)

服装企业安全台账(DOC 25页)


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