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服装工厂评估指导手册(doc 54页)


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All factories engaged in the production of Arcadia Group Plc merchandise must meet minimum
standards in each of the following areas:
1. Employment Ethics
2. Health & Safety practices
3. Technical Competence, relative to the product they will produce
4. Quality Assurance systems
All suppliers to the Arcadia Group Plc must be familiar with these minimum standards, and must accommodate visits by Arcadia Group Plc personnel or their appointed agents to evaluate and audit a factory’s compliance.
Suppliers are reminded that all premises involved in manufacture are subject to these standards. This includes any subcontracted processes. (Subcontracting is processes  beng carried out by another factory unit.)
Subcontracting must be declared at the time of order placement


上一篇:服装跟单与市场洽谈实用口语(doc 5页)

下一篇:服装公司内部培训教材(doc 49页)

纺织英语版---关于颜色(doc 44页)

红蜻蜓皮鞋产品的认识(ppt 59页)

服装行业供应链现状研究报告(doc 7)

服装企业财务报表与财务绩效评价(ppt 33页)

服装廓形培训课件(ppt 44页)

服装行业ERP核心标志模式(doc 6)

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