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合同的特点、各类与常用语(ppt 46页)


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1. Preamble (前言)
2. Main Clauses(正文/主要条款)
        —明确规定当事人的具体权利和义务、违约赔偿、     争议解决、适用法律等条款
3. Concluding Clauses(最后条款)
Employment Contract 
   Amway Company, the employer, hereby employs Richard Johnson, the employee, to perform duties as stated below, consideration for which the employer will pay the employee at the rate of US $ 2,000 per month, and in addition, compensate him for any other expenses incurred by him when he is carrying out his duties.
   In keeping with the above-mentioned remuneration, the employee shall agree to carry out the following duties: to negotiate with Chinese authorities about the cooperation between Amway Company Limited and China; to arrange for the visits of Jimmy Ford, president, and other executives to China; to act as authorized representative in any aspect relating to the cooperation with China and to respond to any inquiries from Chinese parties.
In this employment, the employee shall act honestly, laboriously and to the best of his ability.
This contract shall take effect on January 1st, 2003. If one party wants to terminate the contract, a written notice one month beforehand shall be given to another party.



上一篇:合同审查分类指引(ppt 53页)

下一篇:合同索赔相关知识简介(ppt 16页)

建设工程施工合同协议条款(DOC 7页)

区智能交通及高清监控系统维护合同(DOC 20页)

合伙企业协议书范本(doc 5页)

国有土地使用权出让合同(划拨土地使用权补办出让合同)(doc 7

建设工程施工合同概述(PPT 36页)

掌握要约与承诺的有效条件和合同的一般条款(doc 9页)

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