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Obligations, Contracts, Discipline and Grievance Handling(英文版)(ppt 27页)


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Obligations, Contracts, Discipline and Grievance Handling(英文版)内容提要:
Formation of contract of employment:
express or implied, verbal or in writing
“usually concluded orally by people who rarely think out  still more rarely express, any terms” 1940
subject to statutory regulation
Changes to the Contract?
mutual consent?
within scope of effort-reward relationship?
within employer’s (reasonable) operational discretion?
Vicarious liability  & Negligence
employer liable for negligent/wrongful acts & omissions of employee in course of employment.

be clear on what is expected of you?
know how your manager sees your performance?
get on with your job in your own ways, once constraints  objectives have been agreed?
make mistakes occasionally?
have a say/veto in who works for you?
expect work of a certain standard from your staff?
criticise performance when it falls below an agreed standard?
be consulted about decisions which affect you?
take decisions on matters which affect your department?
refuse unreasonable requests?

refusal to obey reasonable instructions
introduction of a new working system?
timekeeping, absenteeism
breach of exclusivity, trust and confident
stealing from employer (what does this comprise?)
breach of safety instructions, negligence, acts and omissions.
immorality, drunkenness
Theft - what is theft from employer?
Communicating,  maintaining and demonstrating behaviours associated with a "Code of Conduct"



上一篇:危机处理的协议书(doc 2页)

下一篇:项目合同管理方案分析(ppt 21页)

PPP投资合作协议范本(DOC 22页)

裴某的合同诈骗案(doc 10页)

中外买方信贷合同范本(DOC 7页)

广场协议:中美经济关系(doc 8页)

动产赠与合同模板(doc 5页)

建设工程施工合同协议书(doc 64页)

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