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IBM PPT制作技巧-英文版(ppt 59页)


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IBM PPT制作技巧-英文版目录:
一、Subject or context
二、Major idea or recommendation
三、Benefits or value proposition
四、Evidence and analysis
五、Detailed recommendations and actions

IBM PPT制作技巧-英文版内容提要:
IBM believes there is a substantial opportunity in the online leasing market
XYZ Company should target the following customer segments:
Professional Services and Manufacturing
IT, office, and manufacturing collateral classes
Small business, small ticket market
These customers should be targeted with a multi-channel approach:
The major channel to these customers will be the indirect one--through Internet intermediaries that give access to the customer at the point of transaction
Each of these channels appeal to customers with unique buying behaviors
Competitors are moving into the online leasing space; XYZ Company should move quickly



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