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scm供应链管理案例分析(英文版)(pdf 6页)


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    The first workshop
    In early 1994 20 people from Pellton and Basco participated in the project’s first workshop at which Pellton’s commercial director illustrated the complexity of the supply chain linking the two organizations by showing that a single Basco plant received more than sixty Pell-QSKUs. A skeptical Denhoeve, logistics manager for Basco, responded “we don't take all that, I don't believeit”. No specific improvement plans were developed in the first workshop, but the group concluded that Pellton would draw up a list of project proposals for cost reduction before the follow-up workshop in two months.

上一篇:供应商管理系统发展模式与应用(ppt 44页)

下一篇:海尔企业的供应链管理案例分析(doc 7页)


供应链管理现况趋势与管理教育分析(ppt 55页)

存货管理程序与供应链的关系培训(ppt 52页)

三九医药连锁供需链总体结构报告(ppt 34页)

供应链管理培训讲义(ppt 102页)

企业供应链与物流管理模式(doc 43页)

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