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南昌投资指南(DOC 58页)


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南昌概况 Nanchang Profile
◎ 基本市情 Basic Conditions of Nanchang
南昌位于东经 115°27′~116°35′,北纬28°09′~29°11′,属亚热带季风区,气候湿润温和,滨江依湖、临山靠水,赣江穿城而过,西山常年苍翠,湖泊错落点缀,园林广场镶嵌,绿洲中有沙漠(厚田沙漠),都市里有候鸟(天香园),勾画出“山之魂,水之灵,文之韵,人之本”的江南水乡胜景。
  Nanchang is the capital of China’s Jiangxi Province, and the political, economic, cultural and scientific &technological center of Jiangxi Province. Under its jurisdiction are four counties (Nanchang, Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi), five districts (Donghu, Xihu, Qingyunpu, Wanli and Qingshanhu), two state-level development zones (High-tech Industrial Development Zone and Economic and Technological Development Zone), eight provincial-level development zones and Honggutan New District. Nanchang covers a total area of 7.402 square kilometers, 617 square kilometers of which are downtown area, and 220 square kilometers of which are district area. It is one of 35 megacities China with a total population of 4.91 million.
  Lying 115°27′~116°35′ east longitude and 28°09′~29°11′ north latitude, in subtropical monsoon region, with humid and warm climate, Nanchang is a city of water and mountain, where Ganjiang River runs through, Xishan Mountain keeps verdant throughout the entire year, lakes are interspersed, gardens and squares are studded, an oasis with a beautiful desert (Houtian Desert) and a city with migratory bird, presenting unique southern Chinese river-side scenery.
◎ 低碳之路 The Road of Low-carbon Economy


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