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宏观经济管理学与财务知识分析(ppt 58页)


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宏观经济管理学与财务知识分析(ppt 58页)简介:

When two countries were on the gold standard, their nominal exchange rate was fixed at the ratio of their gold parities
at World War II parities
the U.S. dollar was equal to 1/35 of an ounce of gold
the British pound sterling was set to equal 1/15.58333 ounces of gold
the exchange rate of the dollar for the pound was £1.00=$2.40


上一篇:经济管理学与偏差财务管理知识分析(ppt 4

下一篇:公司融资管理及财务知识分析(ppt 89页)

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