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服务利润链介绍(ppt 31页)


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Customer & Employee Focus以顾客和员工为中心
The Performance Trinity 绩效三位一体
Intangible Assets 无形资产
Service-Profit Chain 服务利润链
Drivers of Service-Profit Chain服务利润链的驱动力
Links in the Service Profit Chain服务利润链链接
Case 1: Southwest Airlines 西南航空
Rankings of Eight Largest US Airlines for Revenue, Profit,On-Time Arrival, and Customer Service Complaints (1995)
Case 2: American Express 美国运通
Relationships between Customer Satisfaction and Office Profitability
Relationship between Employee Satisfaction and Office Profitability
Case 3: Wal-Mart Stores沃尔玛百货公司
Customer Value Equation 顾客价值等式
 Service Quality 服务质量
 Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意
Satisfaction-Loyalty Relationship 满意忠诚关系
Customer Loyalty 顾客忠诚Drives Profitability and Growth 驱动利润和增长
Customer Lifetime Value 顾客终身价值
Customer Lifetime Value: Industries顾客终身价值:行业
Customer and Employee 顾客与员工
The Satisfaction “Mirror” “满意镜”
Comparison to Performance Measures
Employee Value Equation 员工价值等式
Cycle of Employee Capability
Dissatisfied Customers’ RepurchaseIntentions under Various Conditions不同条件下不满顾客的重购意图
Questions for Managers管理者需要思考的问题


上一篇:收入、费用和利润综合概述(ppt 66页)

下一篇:有关计划的概述与计划工作原理(ppt 46页)


会计师事务所未分配利润审计程序表(xls 10页)

公司利润分配与股利决策(ppt 60页)


销售管理与利润管理知识分析表(ppt 31页)

企业如何控制成本提高利润(ppt 89页)

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