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Recording Transactions by Using Account Titles in China(英文版)(ppt 37页)


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Recording Transactions by Using Account Titles in China(英文版)目录:
1 Accounting for assets
2 Accounting for liabilities
3 Accounting for owners’ equity
4 Accounting for revenues
5 Accounting for expenses
6 Accounting for profits


Recording Transactions by Using Account Titles in China(英文版)内容提要:
Assets are economic resources owned or controlled by a business that are expected to be of benefit in the future.
资产:过去的交易或事项形成,由企业拥有或控制的、预7期会给企业带来经济利益的资源。 (p17)
(1) Current assets are the economic resources that would be liquidated within one year or one operating cycle (whichever is longer).
Examples of current assets include cash, short-term investment (marketable securities), notes receivable, accounts receivable, supplies, inventories, etc.
(2) Non-current assets consist of long-term investment and those economic resources that are held for operational purposes.
Examples of this type assets include plant and equipment, natural resources, and intangible assets.


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