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投资回报率与财务报表(英文版)(ppt 30页)


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What you will learn in this chapter:
How investment returns are calculated
The difference between normal and abnormal returns
What an efficient market price means
What an arbitrage opportunity is
The difference between active and passive investment

A Cheap Analysis: Screening
Technical screens: identify positions based on trading indicators. Some of them:
Price screens
Small stock screens
Neglected stocks screens
Seasonal screens
Momentum screens
Insider trading screens
Fundamental screens: identify positions based on fundamental indicators of the firm’s operations relative to price

Problems with Screening:
You could be loading up on a risk factor
You need a risk model
You are in danger of trading with someone who knows more than you
You need a model that anticipates future payoffs
A full-blown fundamental analysis supplies this



上一篇:财务报表分析与投资管理(ppt 62页)

下一篇:为融资准备的财务报表(doc 11页)

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利润质量与权益变动表分析(ppt 44页)

企业营运能力指标分析(ppt 34页)

某通信系统控股公司财务报表附注(pdf 32页)

企业领导怎样看懂三张表(pdf 32页)

企业年度财务会计决算报表编制说明(DOC 47页)

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