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会计英语1-10课(DOC 11页)


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Develop an accounting vocabulary for decision making. Accounting is a system for measuring, processing, and communicating financial information. As the “language of business,” accounting helps a wide range of decision makers. Accounting dates backs to ancient civilizations, but its importance to society has been greatest since the Industrial revolution.

上一篇:会计英语术语(DOC 16页)

下一篇:会计疑难问题汇总(doc 64)

财务会计与存货管理知识分析折旧(PPT 45页)

国际结算教程——制单结汇(doc 46)

某公司财务会计管理制度(doc 37页)

会计学之会计信息的生成(ppt 78页)

财务会计与成本管理知识分析职能(PPT 141页)

《行业会计比较》课程学习指南(doc 29页)

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