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货币理论的新发展(PDF 57页)


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Monetary theory and policy are part of intertemporal public finance. The lecture reviews some
interesting recent developments. The two ghosts are the venerable liquidity trap and the Pigou effect
or real balance effect. The eccentricities are negative nominal interest rates and the helicopter drop
of base money - two unconventional policies for stimulating consumer demand even when nominal
interest rates, short and long, present and future, are at their zero lower bounds. The fallacy is the
so-called Fiscal Theory of the Price Level, a logically in-consistent theory of the link between the
government budget and the general price level. The mirage is the prediction that financial
deregulation and technical change in the payments and settlements technology (e-money etc.), will
cause monetary policy to lose its capacity to influence even nominal economic variables. Mythos
refers to the independent central bank.

上一篇:货币和货币制度(PPT 20页)

下一篇:货币理论-对货币的分析(PPT 54页)

财政支农政策与资金监管(ppt 81页)

营运资金管理知识概述(ppt 56页)

企业资金效益的核算与管理(ppt 33页)


房地产项目估算与资金筹措(DOC 12)

经营计划与资金管理制度(doc 6个)

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