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对股票期权的思考——股票期权在我国企业的适用性研究(pdf 4)


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[摘 要] 起源于美国的股票期权制度在其本土已经得到了较为广泛的应用,我国在这方面也进行了
积极的探索, 一些企业也进行了实践。但股票期权究竟是否适合我国的情况呢?本文将以主板市场为基
Abstract:The stock option,which originated from the United States,has been widely adopted in the
US com panies. China also did some active research and som e enterprises have put it into the practice. But
whether does the stock option really fit for China S conditions?Based on the main— board market.this ar—
ticle analyzes the implementing conditions and feasibility of the stock option.
[关键词]股票期权 股权结构 经理人市场 公司治理
Key words:Stock option Equity structure Executive market Corporate governance

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