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系统的知识审计分析方法(pdf 9页)(英文版)


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1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Case Study
4 Conclusion


Abstract: Knowledge audit lays a concrete foundation for any knowledge management
programs. The central topic of this paper is to integrate various knowledge audit related
techniques into pre-audit preparation, in-audit process and post-audit analysis in a systematic
manner. Culture assessment, in the form of surveys and radar charts, along with orientation
program make up the pre-audit preparation. Structured interviews are carried out to capture
process-critical knowledge. Knowledge inventory, knowledge maps and knowledge flow
analysis compose of post-audit analysis. Knowledge inventory is then built for stocktaking
knowledge assets and thus revealing the key knowledge assets by measuring them against four
performance criteria. Knowledge mapping together with social network analysis are to show
the knowledge exchange path and make the key knowledge suppliers and customers visible.
They are then being further applied into knowledge flow analysis, which serves to reveal the
strength and weakness of the current knowledge flow. A case study of applying the designed
instruments in the Engineering Division of the Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited and the
related analysis are also present in this paper.


上一篇:独立审计有效性研究及分析(pdf 12)


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信息技术对审计的影响 (PPT 35页)

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