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中国网通战略咨询报告(英文版)(ppt 143页)


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Review the overall analysis of regulation, competition, and market development
Discuss the specific implications for CNC strategy
Review the specific draft business models for CNC
How we might attack the business, carrier, and IDD/DLD markets
What key trade-offs we need to make
What are the key success factors and assumptions?
Discuss the initial economics of these business models, and of CNC overall
Discuss the specific next steps in two key areas:
How to finalize and endorse the overall CNC business model
How to move forward with the refined financials, organization design, and the plan for implementation
The objective of these principles is to provide further clarity in the development and evaluation of the CNC business model
These will be revisited and refined as the project progresses
Our development of business models will seek to be aligned with the principles
Strategic principles and key assumptions will be considered in the following aspects
CNC shareholders
Backbone business
Local access business
International gateway business
Regulatory strategy
Competitive strategy
Marketing strategy


上一篇:东风汽车发展战略咨询报告(ppt 115页)


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