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印刷电线板原始制造商资质认证手册(英文版)(doc 51页)


文件大小:1986 KB

下载要求:10 学币或VIP


This MS Word template comes with editable fields. IPC has made this electronic document available for ease of completing, updating, and filing the MQP, as well as to give the laminate manufacturer and customer a common interface. Using the template enables laminate manufacturers to maintain several customer specific files without the endless stream of paperwork.
Editable fields are highlighted in gray. To complete the fields in the template, use the TAB key to toggle from field to field, entering the information as instructed in the introductory text for each section.
The developers of this MQP strongly suggest the person at the laminate manufacturing facility responsible for creating and maintaining the MQP write protect the file to be sent.

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